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sexy tenten feet

  He managed to take her to her room before laying her on top of the bed and tucked her in. But as his feet shuffled out, Tenten's wrist grabbed his with surprising strength before he crashed on top of her.

  "Did anyone tell you that the statement sounds strangely sexy coming from you—" Tenten resumed trying to hit on him.

She has two main jutsu that she uses. The first is her summoning jutsu (Summoning Jutsu! Spiral Scrolls! Iron Barrage!). She grabs a single scroll and summons vast amounts of weapons to throw at her target , it can be considered a weak jutsu because the scroll obstructs her vision and thus lowers her accuracy to (min) 70/100. Her 2nd is the Rising Twin Dragons. She uses this to summon weapons faster and more efficiently, this jutsu, it should be added, does not obscure her vision and makes it easier to battle opponents that are slower moving and/or have bad eyesight, but it should also be added that she does not fare well with this jutsu when being attacked by someone that has a combo of great speed and eyesight, like say [[Neji Hyuga]]. She also has expert accuracy. This is proven by Might Guy by saying that once in a senbon throwing exercise she hit the bulls-eye 100/100 times in quick succession. She also plays a key role in ‘Neji Style! Lee Style! TenTen Style! Guy Style! Team Guy Barrage!’ which goes as follows : Team Guy lines up about 25 feet behind each other, first is Neji whom is facing the enemy, then lee, then Gai then TenTen, Tenten then transforms into a fuma shuriken which guy proceeds to throw at lee, who grabs it in mid air and sends it flying at Neji, but half way through it transforms back into TenTen (doing very tight mid air flips) she then lands on Neji’s hands and is thrown into the air with chakra pulsed feet, does a flip and nails the target in the back of the head with her heel sending him or her flying strait to Neji whom then nails said target in the face with a byakugan strike!

In the story Tenten and others are drawn in their time skip era outfits, but Rock Lee is trying to get Might Guy’s attentions as if they have never met before. In the first chapter, Tenten is shocked to see Rock Lee try to imitate Naruto’s Sexy Jutsu by just wearing a bikini. After Might Guy joins him, an infuriated Tenten attacks and defeats both of them in a brutal fashion.

Having defeated their clones, Team Gai sets off to provide backup for Team Kakashi. Lee teases Tenten, saying that if she drags her feet, he’ll outpace her, and Tenten answers that she was the one waiting for them to catch up and that they should wait for Gai and Neji. Gai and Neji then appear and run past them together, Gai telling Lee and Tenten that both are late. Gai attempts to communicate using their wireless radio, but is out of range. He asks Neji to spot them, and the latter uses his Byakugan to report that Naruto and Kakashi have successfully rescued Gaara, although he then notices that Gaara is dead.

Later, Lee over hears two shinobi telling Guy that one is not truly a ninja till they can use ninjutsu. Lee who can not use ninjutsu or Genjutsu, becomes determined with using ninjutsu. When Team Guy trains, he attempts to use a Wind Release technique, though Tenten remarks that it was extremely weak. When Tenten questions Lee on why he suddenly tried to use ninjutsu, he replies that Guy will never acknowledge him if he cannot use ninjutsu. Since they have a mission after training, he explains that he wouldn’t be able to face Guy. He watches Naruto Uzumaki show Konohamaru Sarutobi his Sexy Jutsu, which fills Lee with motivation, though Tenten believes it is excitement.

While on their mission against bandits, Lee uses the “Shadow Clone Technique” and Tenten is shown bewildered, wondering when he learned such a technique. Tenten then sees that the technique was a fake and that Lee was only running extremely quickly, the afterimages serves as “clones.” Then, when Lee attempts to use the Sexy Technique, Tenten is seen shocked at his choice. He quickly changes into a bathing suit and dashes around leaving several afterimages, thus making a “Harem Technique” to the bandits and Tenten’s disgust.

When Guy asked Lee how he learned so much, Tenten explained the situation. Guy punched Lee and told him that he had not heard the entire conversation. Guy then explained that he was disgusted with what the shinobi where saying and beat them up. He then told Lee his goal was to make Lee a truly splendid ninja. Lee and Guy then finished off the bandits using another unorthodox technique that Tenten could not believe they practiced. After Guy complimented Lee’s Sexy Jutsu, Tenten opposed the statement saying it was the worst. When both Guy and Lee did the Jutsu together, Tenten throws multiple weapons at them.

In chapter 22, while training with Lee, Tenten comes across an unfamiliar scroll. She opens it, and immediatly falls in love with Lee. After seeing Lee, Tenten becomes flustered and runs away. It is revealed that the scroll is a forbidden scroll that makes the reader of the scroll automatically fall in love with the first person they lay eyes on. While Lee talks to Naruto, Sakura and Neji, he mentions Tenten’s strange behavior. Lee comes across Tenten and performs his Sexy Technique. Tenten displays her odd behavior and does not scold Lee for his unorthodox technique, but instead embarrassingly tells Lee to put clothes on. Later, when Lee attempts to ask Sakura on a date, Tenten appears and agrees to the date, shocking Lee who did not realize she was there. After, Tenten finds the scroll and attempts to give it to Lee. However, she witnesses Lee trying to make moves and Sakura and becomes heartbroken and runs away. Lee chases after her, but Tenten believes that she means nothing to him. While trying to grab the scroll, Lee accidentaly sends it flying through the air. He tells Tenten that they can retrieve it by using the combination move they had perfected earlier. Tenten agrees, but the scroll is broken, thus dissolving its effects. Tenten becomes very embarrassed at her actions and tries to apologize. Lee tells her that there is no need and tells her that he thinks highly of her and sees her as a precious comrade.

Still, it wasn’t bad to sit here chatting like this. The conversation turned to hometowns and childhoods. Tenten and Sakura told the story of the job they took to steal an old map from a backstabbing merchant. They laughed. And it reminded Sakura of long gone times. Sitting at her parents’ feet as they traded stories like this too.

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